Thursday, December 29, 2011


Find fifties and sixties nostalgia here---what shaped the baby boomer generation, from early television, rock and roll music, the food, fashion, and events of our time!
Fifties Television
Fifties television "baby boomed" right along with us during those years. Learn about the roots of television and find all the top rated shows from the decade of the fifties.
Sixties Television
Sixties television gave us an ever expanding window to our world and everything in it. Find all the top rated shows from this decade right here.
Boomer Love
Is love the key to our happiness? Find the most essential keys to love right here, and practice them.
Boomer Relationships
Learn about boomer relationships and the keys to finding love and happiness.
Boomer Dating
Boomer dating is very different from when we were in our teens and twenties. Find out where and what to look for, right here.
Internet Dating
Internet dating can be a good option for baby boomers if certain precautions are taken. Learn the pros and cons and how to go about it.
Boomer Marriage
Boomer marriage, at our stage in life, has its challenges. Learn the keys to marrying the right person, maintaining the marriage you have, and what the Bible says about marriage.
Boomer Sex
Boomer sex is still an essential part of our lives today, and we continue to enjoy the sexual freedom founded in the 60s. Learn the pitfalls, the potentials, and how to make it the best yet!
Boomer Health
Boomer health is even more important to us now; learn how lifestyle choices, diet, exercise routine, sleep pattern, job, and even our thought process affect our future good health.
Healthy Lifestyle
Healthy lifestyle has the most influence on how long – and how well - we baby boomers will live. Learn how to make the next 50 the best 50!
Sandwich Generation
Sandwich Generation are the baby boomers finding themselves torn by family demands from their children and from their parents, and it could all happen under one roof. Learn how to get prepared.
Boomer Fitness
Boomer fitness is absolutely essential to the quality and quantity of our coming years. Learn how our next fifty can be our best 50!
Boomer Diet
Boomer Diet – together with exercise - is the other key component of our formula for a healthy lifestyle. Learn the good and bad about carbs, fats and protein, and how to read nutrition labels.
Boomer Pets
Boomer pets can be a key part of our lives. Whether a dog, cat, bird or hamster, learn how to match your pets needs to your baby boomer lifestyle.
Choosing A Pet
Choosing a pet is like choosing a relationship. Make your choice by learning how different pets would or would not fit your particular needs and lifestyle.
Pet Care
Pet care will be the second most important thing we do---second only to choosing our pet. Learn the essentials for taking care of your pet.
Classic TV
For a lot of us born in the 50s, classic tv probably started with Howdy Dowdy, Captain Kangaroo, the Mickey Mouse Club, I Love Lucy and Perry Mason. Find these great shows and memories right here.
Oldies Music
Oldies music brings back memories to baby boomers - what we were doing back then, and with whom. Find your favorites from the 50s and sixties, along with music trivia and the history of rock n roll.
Generation Jones
Generation Jones is a relatively new categorization for folks previously considered the youngest baby boomers -- those born between 1955 and 1964. Learn more about this important age group right here
Health Tips
Good health tips are essential at any age, but especially for us older baby boomers that are now sixty-something! Learn more here.
Eating Right
Eating right – together with exercise - is the other key component of our formula for a healthy lifestyle. Learn the basic food groups, serving sizes, reading nutrition labels and more right here.
Senior Dating
How different is senior dating from teenage dating? Times have changed and so have we - learn more here!

Copyright 2009

Relationship With God

What does it really mean to have a right relationship with God? Why is it so essential, and why should we place it ahead of relationships with our spouse, family and friends? The answer lies in our eternity, and we need that to be in the right place!

What's On Your Bucket List?

As baby boomers now in our forties, fifties or early sixties, we're more aware of our future and how we have planned (or not) for it. Regardless of our marital status, our family status, or even our employment status, we still have certain goals and aspirations, things we want to accomplish and enjoy as we reach into the next stages of our lives. So, what's on your "bucket list"?
We know that life is a trip through boomer couple in convertiblegood times and bad, and for some a real adventure. We're told to enjoy every minute of that ride wherever it takes us, because when it's over, it's over. In fact, we're told by some to live our lives with abandon - that when we leave this world, we should be like one banged up car and say, "Boy, what a ride! Did I get my mon- eys worth or what?" After all, we can't take it with us and there's no point in holding back! Right? Well, not exactly right. The fact is, there's a rather serious counter argument, telling us what the number one item on our bucket list really ought to be - a right relationship with God! It makes that "car wreck" advice the very worst ever!
It's absolutely true that we came into this world with nothing, and we will leave it the same way, except for one essential thing - our relationship with God. That we keep for eternity! Once our relationship with God is in place, everything else on our bucket list becomes secondary.

What Is A "Right Relationship With God"?

Church-goers hear this phrase on a regular basis, but it transcends all religion and certainly any ritual. First off, it means accepting that God is our Creator, in fact the Creator of all things, and that He sent His son Jesus Christ to live on this earth (the real reason for celebrating Christmas) for about 33 years. Even as the Son drawing of Jesus of God, Jesus was born on this earth some two thousand years ago to live as a true man, to experience - and overcome - all of the evils, temptations, and miseries that this world has to offer, including all of the things that we ourselves fall victim to everyday in our own lives.
The purpose of Jesus' first coming was testifying to the truth. His truth is that none of us can enter the kingdom of God (Heaven) without first accepting Him in our lives as our Savior. Christ overcame all evil on this earth by living a perfect life without sin, the only man ever to do so, and He overcame death by dying on the cross and being resurrected from the grave by God three days later (the real reason for celebrating Easter).
So many people bore witness to His birth, so many people bore witness to His death, and so many people bore witness to Him still on earth after His death and subsequent resurrection, just prior to His ascension to Heaven. For all of us, that's more than just "WOW!" It's our right relationship with God, i.e., to recognize and accept this incredible truth, this miraculous gift available to all of mankind throughout time, and to give Him our eternal praise and gratitude. It's only through the grace of God, and not the result of anything good we have done or ever could do, that we receive this precious gift!
The First Coming of Jesus, His life and rainbow phototeachings to us on this earth, are fully recorded in the gospels of the Bible (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). It's a must read for all of us, because it's what our relationship with God is based upon. It's true that when we die, we do go to our rest, i.e., we "rest with our fathers", as referenced many times throughout the Old Testament in the Bible. But the Bible goes on to say that each and every one of us will be roused from that rest at the Second Coming of Jesus (often referred to as Judgment Day). On that day, each of us from all of time will find one of two things: either our name written in the Book of Life (entry to Heaven), or be thrown into the lake of fire (Hell) - Revelations 20: 12-15. Each one is for eternity - hence the reason our relationship with God is the most essential one of our lives!

The Real Meaning of Life

The Holy Bible contains the true Word of God, and the answers to all of the so-called "mysteries of life", at least the ones most important for us to know here on earth. God created the world and all things in it, and He will end it according to His will ("I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End." - Revelations 22: 13) Our purpose in life is to recognize and heed that fact, take great joy and comfort in that fact (aka the "peace of God"), and live our earthly lives accordingly. Again, this gift of our salvation does not come through any good thing we have done, or ever could do ourselves, but rather it's to accept Christ as our Savior, that He did it for us. Whether our lives here on earth are charac- terized by health and wealth, or by sickness and poverty, or somewhere in between, it's essential for us to know that earthly life is only a heartbeat in time, compared to our eternal life in Heaven or Hell. Eternal life in Hea- ven eases our thoughts towards our own mortality and that of our loved ones. Truly, that's the peace of God!
So don't worry about reaching that finish line as a car wreck. There's a brand new model waiting for us in Heaven with the ultimate new car warranty - guaranteed to really last a lifetime - and longer actually, if only we can steer between God's fence-posts here on earth! May God grant us all this peace of mind!

Eating Right

Baby Boomers should know how to eat right.  After all we taught our spouses, children, and now grandchildren to eat the right thing.  Now it shouldn't be 'do as I say and not as I do' stage.  We still must eat right, to improve the quality of our lives.  Do we even know what we are eating?  Along with the journals/memoirs we are starting, keep track of what we are eating each day.  Become familiar with the basic food groups.  Remember those - vegetables, fruits, etc?  Do you know how many calories you consume in a day?  Do you know how many calories you should consume? 

A good diet, that is right for the individual, is based on age, health conditions, needs, gender, and circumstances, among other issues.  The questions we need to know should start with our doctors,  based on research we have done beforehand.   We should understand the basics for what we should eat, and the keys to a proper diet include knowledge and making good choices.

Friday, December 2, 2011


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A baby boomer is a person who was born during the demographic Post-World War II baby boom and who grew up during the period between 1946 and 1964.[1] The term "baby boomer" is sometimes used in a cultural context. Therefore, it is impossible to achieve broad consensus of a precise definition, even within a given territory. Different groups, organizations, individuals, and scholars may have widely varying opinions on what constitutes a baby boomer, both technically and culturally. Ascribing universal attributes to a broad generation is difficult, and some observers believe that it is inherently impossible. Nonetheless, many people have attempted to determine the broad cultural similarities and historical impact of the generation, and thus the term has gained widespread popular usage.

United States birth rate (births per 1000 population). The blue segment from 1946 to 1964 is the postwar baby boom.[2]
In general, baby boomers are associated with a rejection or redefinition of traditional values; however, many commentators have disputed the extent of that rejection, noting the widespread continuity of values with older and younger generations. In Europe and North America boomers are widely associated with privilege, as many grew up in a time of affluence.[3] As a group, they were the healthiest, and wealthiest generation to that time, and amongst the first to grow up genuinely expecting the world to improve with time.[4]
One feature of Boomers was that they tended to think of themselves as a special generation, very different from those that had come before. In the 1960s, as the relatively large numbers of young people became teenagers and young adults, they, and those around them, created a very specific rhetoric around their cohort, and the change they were bringing about.[5] This rhetoric had an important impact in the self perceptions of the boomers, as well as their tendency to define the world in terms of generations, which was a relatively new phenomenon.
The baby boom has been described variously as a "shockwave"[3] and as "the pig in the python."[4] By the sheer force of its numbers, the boomers were a demographic bulge which remodeled society as it passed through it.